Eu-Ann Liu

Game Director

Eu-Ann Liu is the current Game Director for Skyshot. He is currently studying, as a senior, Computer Science (Games) and minoring in Game Audio. Eu-Ann focuses on project management, engineering development, and audio. His favorite games include adventure titles such as Monkey Island.


Izzy Benavente

Production Lead

Izzy is a senior studying Computer Science (Games) and Applied Computer Security at USC. She is a productivity enthusiast, coffee lover, and avid hackathon hacker. Her work experience includes consecutive internships at Infinity Ward working on Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare as an Engineering Intern on the UI team. Izzy loves narrative-driven games with a good mix of action and adventure like Assassin's Creed II and Tomb Raider.

Portfolio Site:

Zach Chaco


Zach Chaco is a senior studying Computer Science (Games) at USC. He enjoys working with various teams on projects and events and is interested in team development and production. His interests outside of gaming include wearing suits, reading comic books, and community organizing, especially witin the Filipino community.


Charles Hankins III

Design Lead

Charles is a senior at USC majoring in Computer Science (Games). A long history as a multi-sport athlete and an enthusiast of many different game genres has led him to pursue game design, programming, and team management. Outside of game making, Charles is an avid fan of hockey and competitive Super Smash Bros. and recently has been learning how to play both.


Valerie Lin


Valerie is a junior at USC studying Interactive Media with a double minor in Computer Programming and Neuroscience. She talks way too much about VR and worked as a VR developer at Sony. She mains Tracer in Overwatch and hates good Soldier 76s with the passion of a thousand burning suns.


Albert Yue

Engineering Lead

Yue discovered the joys of PvP and computer games through Starcraft Brood War. From there, his competitive spirit and passion for computers lead him to study Computer Science (Games) at USC. His hobbies outside of gaming consist of martial arts, card tricks, longboarding, and building gundam model kits.


Aaron Hong


Aaron is the current lead engineer for Skyshot, and a senior studying Computer Science Games at USC. I am very bad at Overwatch. He enjoys jazz music and competitive video games.

Portfolio Site:

Nathan Iskandar


- Information Pending -


Steven Truong


Steven is a senior that is probably the only Computer Science (!Games) major on the team, but is pursuing a minor in video game programming. He likes history trivia, sci-fi movies, chicken nuggets, and dried mangoes.


Kyle San


Kyle is the best Overwatch player on Team Skyshot, consistently top fragging and earning 4 gold medals while his team weighs him down. His favorite hero is Mercy but due to the fact that everyone else sucks he cannot play her and expect to win. His favorite carry is Genji because his Carbon Fiber skin is badass. By mastering Genji Kyle hopes to steal his parkour mechanics for Skyshot.


Wenfei Cao


Wenfei is a senior at USC majoring in Computer Science (Games). He has a strong interest in programming networked games, which is a key part of Skyshot. He is passionate about Japanese subculture and won't hesitate calling himself an Otaku.


Devin Li

Usability Lead

Devin Li is the current usability lead for Team Skyshot as well as a senior studying Computer Science (Games) at USC. Throughout his life, Devin was an avid gamer, surrounding himself not only in video games, but also board games and sports (IRL video games). He is currently an active member in the Super Smash Bros. club at USC as well as MEGA. In the upcoming year, Devin will work to make sure that our game is balanced, bug-free, and most importantly, fun.


Audrey Cheng

Usability Tester

Audrey is a current sophomore studying Interactive Media at USC with a minor in Game User Research. She loves superhero movies, Super Smash, League of Legends, and an occasional sappy anime. As a member of Skyshot's usability team, she's excited to help make the game as successful as possible.


Jasmine Ying

Art Lead

Jasmine is a senior at USC in the Computer Science (Games) program and the current art lead on Team Skyshot. Her past experience includes engineering work on both mobile games and AAA. Outside of work she enjoys TV, anime, movies, and cosplaying. She loves games with vivid art and storytelling, and when not making games you can usually find her trapped in FFXIV or playing a game of Overwatch.


Richard Chen

2D Artist

Richard Chen is a Interactive Media senior at USC. He likes to draw and create stories, creating and dabbing in many mediums, mostly artistic, with some technical skills in coding. Enjoys a lot of simple games and games with stories, always up for a few rounds of Tetris.

Portfolio Site:

Miguel Ocana

3D Artist

Miguel is a senior studying Game Design at USC Interactive Media. He likes to improve his skills both in 2D and 3D art when he has the chance, as well as any other skills related to Game Development. Some of his interests include coop games, films, comic books, tv shows, science fiction, and the ocational recreational sports.

Portfolio Site:

Caroline Chiou

2D Artist

Caroline Chiou is a senior Fine Arts major at USC, and is a concept artist on Skyshot. She spends most of her time drawing and playing RPGs, but also enjoys participating in game jams.

Portfolio Site:

Thomas Kelleher

Audio Lead

Thomas is the Lead Audio Designer of Skyshot, and a senior undergraduate student at USC. He studies Interactive Media with minors in Game Programming and Game Audio Design. Thomas has worked as a VR game developer for Sony, and is a sound designer for Magnus, which will soon be available on Steam. He loves fighting games, horror movies, and The Americans.

Portfolio Site:

Davis Natzle


Davis is a Music Industry student and the composer for Skyshot. This is his first attempt at composing an interactive score and he hopes to help make the game a competitive and immersive experience. Davis plans to work more with interactive audio in the future and is excited to see how interactive audio will evolve with the growth of the virtual reality industry.


Graham Southern


Graham is a Scoring for Film and Multimedia Master's candidate at New York University, and composer for Skyshot. Graham composes for a variety of projects, spanning from games to films to documentaries. Some of his previous work experience includes Hans Zimmer's Remote Control Productions in Santa Monica and Butter Music and Sound in New York City. Outside of work, his interests include shotokan karate, in which he holds a first degree black belt, snowboarding, and ocassionally performing standup comedy. He loves RPG's, and has died more than 200 times playing Dark Souls.

Portfolio Site: